Sep 28, 2023

Sep 28, 2023

Sep 28, 2023

101 Spam-Trigger Words Destroying Your Email Marketing Campaigns (And How to Fix It)

101 Spam-Trigger Words Destroying Your Email Marketing Campaigns (And How to Fix It)

101 Spam-Trigger Words Destroying Your Email Marketing Campaigns (And How to Fix It)

101 Spam-Trigger Words Destroying Your Email Marketing Campaigns (And How to Fix It)


By: Anthony Baltodano

We all hate spam. The last thing we want is for our emails to end up in the dreaded spam folder, never to be seen again. But unfortunately, that happens all too often. Why? Spam filters.

These automated programs are constantly scanning emails for "spam trigger words" that hint at questionable content.

With the right knowledge, you can steer clear of dangerous terms and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

In this blog post guide, we'll cover:

  • How email spam filters work

  • What is a spam score and why it matters

  • The complete list of 101 common spam trigger words

  • Actionable tips to avoid spam words and improve deliverability

The words you choose can sabotage your carefully planned email campaigns, look what happened to DockAtot, a global brand with 1 million subscribers that was sending every email directly to the spam folder.

We helped them get 100% deliverability right before Black Friday, saving months of work. Read the DockAtot case study here.

Let’s dive into it!

How Email Spam Filters Work

Spam filters analyze each incoming email and assign a "spam score" based on various factors:

Sender Reputation

One of the main things spam filters look for are blacklisted IP addresses and domains. Senders with poor reputations are more likely to be flagged as spam.

You can check your current IP and domain reputation using tools like MxToolbox and Talos Intelligence.

To build up a good sender reputation, be sure to use email authentication systems like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These help verify your identity as a legitimate sender.

Other tips include:

  • Monitoring spam reports and unsubscribes

  • Being transparent in your unsubscribe process

  • Sending from a dedicated IP used only for email

  • Follow best practices like list segmentation and personalization

User Engagement

Providers also look at user interaction metrics like open and click rates. If many users delete or ignore your emails, it can hurt your sender's reputation.

Link Quality

Too many links to low-quality sites raise spam flags. Only link to relevant, high-authority resources.

Image-to-Text Ratio

Too many images and little text is a common spam technique. Maintain an appropriate balance in your emails.

Spam Words

And of course, spam filters look for specific words and phrases commonly used in spam emails. Avoiding these "spam trigger" terms is key.

Advanced spam filters go beyond keywords and analyze writing style, tone, and context as well. The focus should be crafting emails that engage subscribers and provide value.

What is a Spam Score?

Spam scores are calculated by email providers to determine the "spamminess" of an email, ranging from 1 to 10.

  • 0 to 2 - Very good, likely to reach the inbox

  • 3 to 5 - Borderline, may go to inbox or spam

  • 6+ - Likely to be marked as spam

*this is how email providers rank your emails

You can check your spam score using a free tool like Mail-Tester. It will rank your email based on your reputation as a sender.

Maintaining a good spam score is crucial for ensuring your emails reach the inbox, safeguarding your sender reputation, and boosting the engagement rates.

A good spam score helps avoid being blacklisted by ISPs and protects your brand image.

List of 101 Common Spam Trigger Words

  1. Act now

  2. Apply now

  3. As seen on

  4. Buy direct

  5. Call now

  6. Click below

  7. Click here

  8. Deal

  9. Do it today

  10. Exclusive deal

  11. Get it now

  12. Important information regarding

  13. Instant

  14. Limited time

  15. New customers only

  16. Offer expires

  17. Order now

  18. Please read

  19. See for yourself

  20. Sign up free

  21. Take action

  22. This won’t last

  23. Urgent

  24. While supplies last

  25. Winner

  26. Winning

  27. You are a winner

  28. You have been selected

  29. 100% free

  30. 100% satisfied

  31. Additional income

  32. Be your own boss

  33. Best price

  34. Big bucks

  35. Billion

  36. Cash bonus

  37. Cents on the dollar

  38. Consolidate debt

  39. Double your income

  40. Earn Money

  41. Eliminate bad credit

  42. Extra income

  43. Expect to earn

  44. Fast cash

  45. Financial freedom

  46. Free access

  47. Free Consultation

  48. Free Gift

  49. Free hosting

  50. Free info

  51. Free Investment

  52. Free Membership

  53. Free Money

  54. Free preview

  55. Free Quote

  56. Free trial

  57. Full refund

  58. Get out of debt

  59. Get paid

  60. Giveaway

  61. Guaranteed

  62. Increase sales

  63. Increase traffic

  64. Incredible deal

  65. Lower rates

  66. Lowest price

  67. Make Money

  68. Million dollars

  69. Miracle

  70. Money back

  71. Once in a lifetime

  72. One time

  73. Pennies a day

  74. Potential earnings

  75. Prize

  76. Promise

  77. Pure profit

  78. Risk-free

  79. Satisfaction guaranteed

  80. Save big money

  81. Save up to

  82. Special Promotion

  83. Bulk email

  84. Direct email

  85. Direct marketing

  86. Email harvest

  87. Email marketing

  88. Mass email

  89. Multi-level marketing

  90. No catch

  91. No cost

  92. No credit check

  93. No fees

  94. No gimmick

  95. No hidden costs

  96. No hidden fees

  97. No interest

  98. No investment

  99. No obligation

  100. No purchase necessary

  101. No questions asked

Example of what to avoid

Tips to Avoid Spam Words in Your Emails

  • Segment your lists based on user engagement to focus on highly engaged subscribers.

  • Monitor spam reports and inbox placement tests to identify issues early.

  • Avoid ALL CAPS and excessive punctuation like !!! which raises red flags.

  • Limit links to high-quality, relevant resources to avoid low-quality flags.

  • Send from a reputable domain to build up a good sender reputation.

  • Carefully review all copies for hidden spam triggers before sending.

  • Use double opt-in signup flows to verify subscriber consent.

For more details and examples on optimizing your email campaigns, check out this article on the best practices for Email Deliverability Success

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if my email gets marked as spam?

If your emails get flagged as spam, engagement metrics like open and click rates will drop. Subscribers may also unsubscribe or report your messages, hurting the sender's reputation. Continued issues can lead to blacklisting.

  • How often should I monitor my spam score and reports?

Check your spam score at least monthly, or more often if sending large campaigns. Review spam reports after each significant email sent to catch problems early.

  • What's the best way to avoid landing in the spam folder?

Combining tactics like list segmentation, authentication, monitoring metrics, avoiding spam words, and sending valuable content are most effective to maximize inbox placement.

Use a tool like Mission Inbox to maximize your email deliverability with automated warm-up processes and intelligent email verification.

Wrapping Up

Spam filtering can significantly impact email marketing results if not handled properly. By understanding how spam filters work and optimizing your campaigns, your emails will consistently reach the inbox.

We all hate spam. The last thing we want is for our emails to end up in the dreaded spam folder, never to be seen again. But unfortunately, that happens all too often. Why? Spam filters.

These automated programs are constantly scanning emails for "spam trigger words" that hint at questionable content.

With the right knowledge, you can steer clear of dangerous terms and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

In this blog post guide, we'll cover:

  • How email spam filters work

  • What is a spam score and why it matters

  • The complete list of 101 common spam trigger words

  • Actionable tips to avoid spam words and improve deliverability

The words you choose can sabotage your carefully planned email campaigns, look what happened to DockAtot, a global brand with 1 million subscribers that was sending every email directly to the spam folder.

We helped them get 100% deliverability right before Black Friday, saving months of work. Read the DockAtot case study here.

Let’s dive into it!

How Email Spam Filters Work

Spam filters analyze each incoming email and assign a "spam score" based on various factors:

Sender Reputation

One of the main things spam filters look for are blacklisted IP addresses and domains. Senders with poor reputations are more likely to be flagged as spam.

You can check your current IP and domain reputation using tools like MxToolbox and Talos Intelligence.

To build up a good sender reputation, be sure to use email authentication systems like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These help verify your identity as a legitimate sender.

Other tips include:

  • Monitoring spam reports and unsubscribes

  • Being transparent in your unsubscribe process

  • Sending from a dedicated IP used only for email

  • Follow best practices like list segmentation and personalization

User Engagement

Providers also look at user interaction metrics like open and click rates. If many users delete or ignore your emails, it can hurt your sender's reputation.

Link Quality

Too many links to low-quality sites raise spam flags. Only link to relevant, high-authority resources.

Image-to-Text Ratio

Too many images and little text is a common spam technique. Maintain an appropriate balance in your emails.

Spam Words

And of course, spam filters look for specific words and phrases commonly used in spam emails. Avoiding these "spam trigger" terms is key.

Advanced spam filters go beyond keywords and analyze writing style, tone, and context as well. The focus should be crafting emails that engage subscribers and provide value.

What is a Spam Score?

Spam scores are calculated by email providers to determine the "spamminess" of an email, ranging from 1 to 10.

  • 0 to 2 - Very good, likely to reach the inbox

  • 3 to 5 - Borderline, may go to inbox or spam

  • 6+ - Likely to be marked as spam

*this is how email providers rank your emails

You can check your spam score using a free tool like Mail-Tester. It will rank your email based on your reputation as a sender.

Maintaining a good spam score is crucial for ensuring your emails reach the inbox, safeguarding your sender reputation, and boosting the engagement rates.

A good spam score helps avoid being blacklisted by ISPs and protects your brand image.

List of 101 Common Spam Trigger Words

  1. Act now

  2. Apply now

  3. As seen on

  4. Buy direct

  5. Call now

  6. Click below

  7. Click here

  8. Deal

  9. Do it today

  10. Exclusive deal

  11. Get it now

  12. Important information regarding

  13. Instant

  14. Limited time

  15. New customers only

  16. Offer expires

  17. Order now

  18. Please read

  19. See for yourself

  20. Sign up free

  21. Take action

  22. This won’t last

  23. Urgent

  24. While supplies last

  25. Winner

  26. Winning

  27. You are a winner

  28. You have been selected

  29. 100% free

  30. 100% satisfied

  31. Additional income

  32. Be your own boss

  33. Best price

  34. Big bucks

  35. Billion

  36. Cash bonus

  37. Cents on the dollar

  38. Consolidate debt

  39. Double your income

  40. Earn Money

  41. Eliminate bad credit

  42. Extra income

  43. Expect to earn

  44. Fast cash

  45. Financial freedom

  46. Free access

  47. Free Consultation

  48. Free Gift

  49. Free hosting

  50. Free info

  51. Free Investment

  52. Free Membership

  53. Free Money

  54. Free preview

  55. Free Quote

  56. Free trial

  57. Full refund

  58. Get out of debt

  59. Get paid

  60. Giveaway

  61. Guaranteed

  62. Increase sales

  63. Increase traffic

  64. Incredible deal

  65. Lower rates

  66. Lowest price

  67. Make Money

  68. Million dollars

  69. Miracle

  70. Money back

  71. Once in a lifetime

  72. One time

  73. Pennies a day

  74. Potential earnings

  75. Prize

  76. Promise

  77. Pure profit

  78. Risk-free

  79. Satisfaction guaranteed

  80. Save big money

  81. Save up to

  82. Special Promotion

  83. Bulk email

  84. Direct email

  85. Direct marketing

  86. Email harvest

  87. Email marketing

  88. Mass email

  89. Multi-level marketing

  90. No catch

  91. No cost

  92. No credit check

  93. No fees

  94. No gimmick

  95. No hidden costs

  96. No hidden fees

  97. No interest

  98. No investment

  99. No obligation

  100. No purchase necessary

  101. No questions asked

Example of what to avoid

Tips to Avoid Spam Words in Your Emails

  • Segment your lists based on user engagement to focus on highly engaged subscribers.

  • Monitor spam reports and inbox placement tests to identify issues early.

  • Avoid ALL CAPS and excessive punctuation like !!! which raises red flags.

  • Limit links to high-quality, relevant resources to avoid low-quality flags.

  • Send from a reputable domain to build up a good sender reputation.

  • Carefully review all copies for hidden spam triggers before sending.

  • Use double opt-in signup flows to verify subscriber consent.

For more details and examples on optimizing your email campaigns, check out this article on the best practices for Email Deliverability Success

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if my email gets marked as spam?

If your emails get flagged as spam, engagement metrics like open and click rates will drop. Subscribers may also unsubscribe or report your messages, hurting the sender's reputation. Continued issues can lead to blacklisting.

  • How often should I monitor my spam score and reports?

Check your spam score at least monthly, or more often if sending large campaigns. Review spam reports after each significant email sent to catch problems early.

  • What's the best way to avoid landing in the spam folder?

Combining tactics like list segmentation, authentication, monitoring metrics, avoiding spam words, and sending valuable content are most effective to maximize inbox placement.

Use a tool like Mission Inbox to maximize your email deliverability with automated warm-up processes and intelligent email verification.

Wrapping Up

Spam filtering can significantly impact email marketing results if not handled properly. By understanding how spam filters work and optimizing your campaigns, your emails will consistently reach the inbox.

We all hate spam. The last thing we want is for our emails to end up in the dreaded spam folder, never to be seen again. But unfortunately, that happens all too often. Why? Spam filters.

These automated programs are constantly scanning emails for "spam trigger words" that hint at questionable content.

With the right knowledge, you can steer clear of dangerous terms and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

In this blog post guide, we'll cover:

  • How email spam filters work

  • What is a spam score and why it matters

  • The complete list of 101 common spam trigger words

  • Actionable tips to avoid spam words and improve deliverability

The words you choose can sabotage your carefully planned email campaigns, look what happened to DockAtot, a global brand with 1 million subscribers that was sending every email directly to the spam folder.

We helped them get 100% deliverability right before Black Friday, saving months of work. Read the DockAtot case study here.

Let’s dive into it!

How Email Spam Filters Work

Spam filters analyze each incoming email and assign a "spam score" based on various factors:

Sender Reputation

One of the main things spam filters look for are blacklisted IP addresses and domains. Senders with poor reputations are more likely to be flagged as spam.

You can check your current IP and domain reputation using tools like MxToolbox and Talos Intelligence.

To build up a good sender reputation, be sure to use email authentication systems like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These help verify your identity as a legitimate sender.

Other tips include:

  • Monitoring spam reports and unsubscribes

  • Being transparent in your unsubscribe process

  • Sending from a dedicated IP used only for email

  • Follow best practices like list segmentation and personalization

User Engagement

Providers also look at user interaction metrics like open and click rates. If many users delete or ignore your emails, it can hurt your sender's reputation.

Link Quality

Too many links to low-quality sites raise spam flags. Only link to relevant, high-authority resources.

Image-to-Text Ratio

Too many images and little text is a common spam technique. Maintain an appropriate balance in your emails.

Spam Words

And of course, spam filters look for specific words and phrases commonly used in spam emails. Avoiding these "spam trigger" terms is key.

Advanced spam filters go beyond keywords and analyze writing style, tone, and context as well. The focus should be crafting emails that engage subscribers and provide value.

What is a Spam Score?

Spam scores are calculated by email providers to determine the "spamminess" of an email, ranging from 1 to 10.

  • 0 to 2 - Very good, likely to reach the inbox

  • 3 to 5 - Borderline, may go to inbox or spam

  • 6+ - Likely to be marked as spam

*this is how email providers rank your emails

You can check your spam score using a free tool like Mail-Tester. It will rank your email based on your reputation as a sender.

Maintaining a good spam score is crucial for ensuring your emails reach the inbox, safeguarding your sender reputation, and boosting the engagement rates.

A good spam score helps avoid being blacklisted by ISPs and protects your brand image.

List of 101 Common Spam Trigger Words

  1. Act now

  2. Apply now

  3. As seen on

  4. Buy direct

  5. Call now

  6. Click below

  7. Click here

  8. Deal

  9. Do it today

  10. Exclusive deal

  11. Get it now

  12. Important information regarding

  13. Instant

  14. Limited time

  15. New customers only

  16. Offer expires

  17. Order now

  18. Please read

  19. See for yourself

  20. Sign up free

  21. Take action

  22. This won’t last

  23. Urgent

  24. While supplies last

  25. Winner

  26. Winning

  27. You are a winner

  28. You have been selected

  29. 100% free

  30. 100% satisfied

  31. Additional income

  32. Be your own boss

  33. Best price

  34. Big bucks

  35. Billion

  36. Cash bonus

  37. Cents on the dollar

  38. Consolidate debt

  39. Double your income

  40. Earn Money

  41. Eliminate bad credit

  42. Extra income

  43. Expect to earn

  44. Fast cash

  45. Financial freedom

  46. Free access

  47. Free Consultation

  48. Free Gift

  49. Free hosting

  50. Free info

  51. Free Investment

  52. Free Membership

  53. Free Money

  54. Free preview

  55. Free Quote

  56. Free trial

  57. Full refund

  58. Get out of debt

  59. Get paid

  60. Giveaway

  61. Guaranteed

  62. Increase sales

  63. Increase traffic

  64. Incredible deal

  65. Lower rates

  66. Lowest price

  67. Make Money

  68. Million dollars

  69. Miracle

  70. Money back

  71. Once in a lifetime

  72. One time

  73. Pennies a day

  74. Potential earnings

  75. Prize

  76. Promise

  77. Pure profit

  78. Risk-free

  79. Satisfaction guaranteed

  80. Save big money

  81. Save up to

  82. Special Promotion

  83. Bulk email

  84. Direct email

  85. Direct marketing

  86. Email harvest

  87. Email marketing

  88. Mass email

  89. Multi-level marketing

  90. No catch

  91. No cost

  92. No credit check

  93. No fees

  94. No gimmick

  95. No hidden costs

  96. No hidden fees

  97. No interest

  98. No investment

  99. No obligation

  100. No purchase necessary

  101. No questions asked

Example of what to avoid

Tips to Avoid Spam Words in Your Emails

  • Segment your lists based on user engagement to focus on highly engaged subscribers.

  • Monitor spam reports and inbox placement tests to identify issues early.

  • Avoid ALL CAPS and excessive punctuation like !!! which raises red flags.

  • Limit links to high-quality, relevant resources to avoid low-quality flags.

  • Send from a reputable domain to build up a good sender reputation.

  • Carefully review all copies for hidden spam triggers before sending.

  • Use double opt-in signup flows to verify subscriber consent.

For more details and examples on optimizing your email campaigns, check out this article on the best practices for Email Deliverability Success

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if my email gets marked as spam?

If your emails get flagged as spam, engagement metrics like open and click rates will drop. Subscribers may also unsubscribe or report your messages, hurting the sender's reputation. Continued issues can lead to blacklisting.

  • How often should I monitor my spam score and reports?

Check your spam score at least monthly, or more often if sending large campaigns. Review spam reports after each significant email sent to catch problems early.

  • What's the best way to avoid landing in the spam folder?

Combining tactics like list segmentation, authentication, monitoring metrics, avoiding spam words, and sending valuable content are most effective to maximize inbox placement.

Use a tool like Mission Inbox to maximize your email deliverability with automated warm-up processes and intelligent email verification.

Wrapping Up

Spam filtering can significantly impact email marketing results if not handled properly. By understanding how spam filters work and optimizing your campaigns, your emails will consistently reach the inbox.

We all hate spam. The last thing we want is for our emails to end up in the dreaded spam folder, never to be seen again. But unfortunately, that happens all too often. Why? Spam filters.

These automated programs are constantly scanning emails for "spam trigger words" that hint at questionable content.

With the right knowledge, you can steer clear of dangerous terms and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

In this blog post guide, we'll cover:

  • How email spam filters work

  • What is a spam score and why it matters

  • The complete list of 101 common spam trigger words

  • Actionable tips to avoid spam words and improve deliverability

The words you choose can sabotage your carefully planned email campaigns, look what happened to DockAtot, a global brand with 1 million subscribers that was sending every email directly to the spam folder.

We helped them get 100% deliverability right before Black Friday, saving months of work. Read the DockAtot case study here.

Let’s dive into it!

How Email Spam Filters Work

Spam filters analyze each incoming email and assign a "spam score" based on various factors:

Sender Reputation

One of the main things spam filters look for are blacklisted IP addresses and domains. Senders with poor reputations are more likely to be flagged as spam.

You can check your current IP and domain reputation using tools like MxToolbox and Talos Intelligence.

To build up a good sender reputation, be sure to use email authentication systems like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These help verify your identity as a legitimate sender.

Other tips include:

  • Monitoring spam reports and unsubscribes

  • Being transparent in your unsubscribe process

  • Sending from a dedicated IP used only for email

  • Follow best practices like list segmentation and personalization

User Engagement

Providers also look at user interaction metrics like open and click rates. If many users delete or ignore your emails, it can hurt your sender's reputation.

Link Quality

Too many links to low-quality sites raise spam flags. Only link to relevant, high-authority resources.

Image-to-Text Ratio

Too many images and little text is a common spam technique. Maintain an appropriate balance in your emails.

Spam Words

And of course, spam filters look for specific words and phrases commonly used in spam emails. Avoiding these "spam trigger" terms is key.

Advanced spam filters go beyond keywords and analyze writing style, tone, and context as well. The focus should be crafting emails that engage subscribers and provide value.

What is a Spam Score?

Spam scores are calculated by email providers to determine the "spamminess" of an email, ranging from 1 to 10.

  • 0 to 2 - Very good, likely to reach the inbox

  • 3 to 5 - Borderline, may go to inbox or spam

  • 6+ - Likely to be marked as spam

*this is how email providers rank your emails

You can check your spam score using a free tool like Mail-Tester. It will rank your email based on your reputation as a sender.

Maintaining a good spam score is crucial for ensuring your emails reach the inbox, safeguarding your sender reputation, and boosting the engagement rates.

A good spam score helps avoid being blacklisted by ISPs and protects your brand image.

List of 101 Common Spam Trigger Words

  1. Act now

  2. Apply now

  3. As seen on

  4. Buy direct

  5. Call now

  6. Click below

  7. Click here

  8. Deal

  9. Do it today

  10. Exclusive deal

  11. Get it now

  12. Important information regarding

  13. Instant

  14. Limited time

  15. New customers only

  16. Offer expires

  17. Order now

  18. Please read

  19. See for yourself

  20. Sign up free

  21. Take action

  22. This won’t last

  23. Urgent

  24. While supplies last

  25. Winner

  26. Winning

  27. You are a winner

  28. You have been selected

  29. 100% free

  30. 100% satisfied

  31. Additional income

  32. Be your own boss

  33. Best price

  34. Big bucks

  35. Billion

  36. Cash bonus

  37. Cents on the dollar

  38. Consolidate debt

  39. Double your income

  40. Earn Money

  41. Eliminate bad credit

  42. Extra income

  43. Expect to earn

  44. Fast cash

  45. Financial freedom

  46. Free access

  47. Free Consultation

  48. Free Gift

  49. Free hosting

  50. Free info

  51. Free Investment

  52. Free Membership

  53. Free Money

  54. Free preview

  55. Free Quote

  56. Free trial

  57. Full refund

  58. Get out of debt

  59. Get paid

  60. Giveaway

  61. Guaranteed

  62. Increase sales

  63. Increase traffic

  64. Incredible deal

  65. Lower rates

  66. Lowest price

  67. Make Money

  68. Million dollars

  69. Miracle

  70. Money back

  71. Once in a lifetime

  72. One time

  73. Pennies a day

  74. Potential earnings

  75. Prize

  76. Promise

  77. Pure profit

  78. Risk-free

  79. Satisfaction guaranteed

  80. Save big money

  81. Save up to

  82. Special Promotion

  83. Bulk email

  84. Direct email

  85. Direct marketing

  86. Email harvest

  87. Email marketing

  88. Mass email

  89. Multi-level marketing

  90. No catch

  91. No cost

  92. No credit check

  93. No fees

  94. No gimmick

  95. No hidden costs

  96. No hidden fees

  97. No interest

  98. No investment

  99. No obligation

  100. No purchase necessary

  101. No questions asked

Example of what to avoid

Tips to Avoid Spam Words in Your Emails

  • Segment your lists based on user engagement to focus on highly engaged subscribers.

  • Monitor spam reports and inbox placement tests to identify issues early.

  • Avoid ALL CAPS and excessive punctuation like !!! which raises red flags.

  • Limit links to high-quality, relevant resources to avoid low-quality flags.

  • Send from a reputable domain to build up a good sender reputation.

  • Carefully review all copies for hidden spam triggers before sending.

  • Use double opt-in signup flows to verify subscriber consent.

For more details and examples on optimizing your email campaigns, check out this article on the best practices for Email Deliverability Success

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if my email gets marked as spam?

If your emails get flagged as spam, engagement metrics like open and click rates will drop. Subscribers may also unsubscribe or report your messages, hurting the sender's reputation. Continued issues can lead to blacklisting.

  • How often should I monitor my spam score and reports?

Check your spam score at least monthly, or more often if sending large campaigns. Review spam reports after each significant email sent to catch problems early.

  • What's the best way to avoid landing in the spam folder?

Combining tactics like list segmentation, authentication, monitoring metrics, avoiding spam words, and sending valuable content are most effective to maximize inbox placement.

Use a tool like Mission Inbox to maximize your email deliverability with automated warm-up processes and intelligent email verification.

Wrapping Up

Spam filtering can significantly impact email marketing results if not handled properly. By understanding how spam filters work and optimizing your campaigns, your emails will consistently reach the inbox.

It’s easy to get started. Start now

It’s easy to get started. Start now

It’s easy to get started. Start now

It’s easy to get started. Start now

Our platform enables you to monitor and optimize every email deliverability component (IPs, Domains, Mailboxes) to guarantee your emails land in the inbox.

Contact Details

Austin, Texas,

United States

+1 (512) 270-1303

© 2023 Mission Inbox LLC, All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

Our platform enables you to monitor and optimize every email deliverability component (IPs, Domains, Mailboxes) to guarantee your emails land in the inbox.

Contact Details

Austin, Texas,

United States

+1 (512) 270-1303

© 2023 Mission Inbox LLC, All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

Our platform enables you to monitor and optimize every email deliverability component (IPs, Domains, Mailboxes) to guarantee your emails land in the inbox.

Contact Details


United States

+1 (512) 270-1303

© 2023 Mission Inbox LLC, All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

Our platform enables you to monitor and optimize every email deliverability component (IPs, Domains, Mailboxes) to guarantee your emails land in the inbox.

Contact Details

Austin, Texas,

United States

+1 (512) 270-1303

© 2023 Mission Inbox LLC, All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy